Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

The utilization of the massive productivity and diversity of algae is an emerging agricultural revolution in the making, and will result in sustainable fuels, foods, feeds, fertilizers, plastics, chemicals, advanced materials, health supplements, vitamins, pharmaceuticals and other products. The technologies for low cost and low energy processing are currently being improved and invented which will make all outputs economically viable with a range from common commodities to ultra valuable products. An amazing amount of intellectual property will emerge from this rapidly developing field, with widespread positive impact for many other industries, specifically reducing wastes, economic costs, energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and water Eutrophication.

Mission: Algaeventure Systems is focused on creating technologies and products for and from the emerging Algal business environment, with a strong bias on opportunities that return profits and capital for accelerating growth and return to shareholders. Leverage of technologies or products into other industries to support development to commercial viability is a strategy that allows business sustainability and prioritizes efforts.

Vision: Algaeventure Systems’ vision is to have algae take a place amongst civilization’s most storied emerged technologies. Bringing together skills, creativity, and experience of internal associates and external collaborators to accomplish what will result in one of the most important technologies to facilitate the advancement of civilization, while continuing and expanding the quality of life.

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